Organic Agriculture and Gobar Banks

Introduction  |  Objectives  |  Achievements  |  Future Plans


Organic Farming

•    Economic empowerment of adivasi women.

•    To pilot new approaches for sustainable income generation activities among adivasis.

•    To check outward migration of adivasi families and provide opportunities for education and healthcare.

•    To promote community based programmes that are in keeping with the adivasi lifestyle.

•    To do value additive activities for an enhanced price procurement of specialized agricultural products.

•    Seek women’s participation in community development.

•    Increase per capita income of adivasi families.

Gobar Banks

•    Increase in agricultural yield, improve soil structure, increase resistance to plant parasite and reduction of soil erosion due to use      of organic manure.

•    Modernizing agriculture technology using traditional methods.

•    Encourage agriculture based activities.

•    Maintain soil fertility to ensure sustainable production.

•    Use of local and renewable resources for income generation activities.