Scope of Education and Research

The Adivasi Academy does not follow a single track academic agenda. Therefore, it is not a specialized place of research, study and reflection in any one single discipline or subject. Courses and research programs are created from batch to batch or project to project depending on the needs perceived for conserving tribal identity or promoting development in adivasi areas.

The views of Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, Ivan Ilich and Paulo Friere on the confluence of social good and university education form the bedrock of the educational philosophy of the Adivasi Academy. Hence, nothing that is not of use to adivasi communities is taught at the Academy. However, the Academy keeps away from bigotry, ideological indoctrination and narrow views on life.

The courses of instruction generally follow a larger liberal view of society. At the same time, the courses and the units of instruction introduced within them do not shy away from discussing political and cultural issues in an open manner.

As a policy, the Academy does not take any ‘Institutional’ stand on issues and controversies. At the same time, individuals taking such a stand are not prevented from expressing themselves with utmost freedom.